5 / Bach Buch 5: Wohltemperiertes Klavier Teil 2 (870-893)Please see second edition: https://www.epubli.de/shop/buch/bach-buch-5-wohltemperiertes-klavier-teil-2-870-893-2nd-edition-js-bach-9783756513192/128057

von JS Bach

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For this first time, is a complete set of Bach's keyboard works available, no gaps, every piece from BVW 772 to BWV 994, exactly as J.S. Bach wrote them, in a clear easy to read, bound collection of eight volumes.

Learn to site-read Bach. All you need to do, to learn to sight-read Bach, is sight-read Bach. Please consider this complete series of all of Bachs Keyboard works. There are eight volumes in total. Start with volume 1, read through to volume 8, then start with 1 again. If you read through this work slowly from start to end, regardless of your level, you will have an amazing experience and you _will_ learn to sight read Bach. I have read these works from various publishers and I can assure you that this set of sheet music is exactly correct to Bach's original works. You will notice, all BVW numbers are covered in order. This is not available elsewhere in complete book form. Also helpful is the spiral binding so that the page stays open with out a book clip. The full eight volumes are:

Bach Buch 1: Inventionen (772-786), Sinfonien (787-801), Duetten (802-805)
Bach Buch 2: Englische Suiten (806-811), Französische Suiten (812-817), Diverse Suiten (818-824)
Bach Buch 3: Partiten (825-831), Einzelwerke (832-845)
Bach Buch 4: Wohltemperiertes Klavier Teil 1 (846-869)
Bach Buch 5: Wohltemperiertes Klavier Teil 2 (870-893)
Bach Buch 6: Präludien und Fugen (894-902), Fantasien und Fugen (903-909), Toccaten, Fantasien und Präludien (910-923)
Bach Buch 7: Kleine Präludien aus Klavierbüchlein W.F. Bach (924-932), Sechs kleine Präludien (933-938), Fünf kleine Präludien (939-943), Fugen (944-962), Sonaten (963-967)
Bach Buch 8: Sonstige Einzelwerke (968-970), Konzerte nach verschiedenen Meistern (971-987), Arien und Variationen (988-994)


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Umfang:164 Seiten

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