The Dharma Bums

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A deluxe edition of Kerouac s masterpiece on the 50th anniversary of its first publication §First published in 1958, a year after On the Road had put the Beat generation on the map, The Dharma Bums stands as one of Jack Kerouac s most powerful, influential, and bestselling novels. The story focuses on two untrammeled young Americans mountaineer, poet, and Zen Buddhist Japhy Ryder and Ray Smith, a zestful, innocent writer whose quest for Truth leads them on a heroic odyssey, from marathon parties and poetry jam sessions in San Francisco s Bohemia to solitude and mountain climbing in the High Sierras to Ray s sixty-day vigil by himself atop Desolation Peak in Washington State. Primary to this evocative and soulful novel is an honest, exuberant search for an affirmative way of life in the midst of the atomic age. In many ways, The Dharma Bums also presaged the environmental, back-to-the-land, and American Buddhist movements of the 1960s and beyond.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:187 Seiten
Verlag:Penguin Group USA

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