Transformation of the Self with Bodymind IntegrationPostural Integration - Energetic Integration - Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration

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This publication by the International Council of PsychoCorporal (Bodymind) Integration (ICPIT), Ghent, Belgium, comprises a series of papers on the theory and practice of Bodymind Integration, especially Postural Integration (PI). It gives an overview of the experiences that have ben accumulated in more than 40 years of practising and teaching in every continent of the world.

The introduction and honouring of Jack Painter, Ph. D. -the founder of these powerful approaches - is followed by articles about the history of Bodymind Integration in the development of body psychotherapy. There then follow basic articles on methodological and theoretical backgrounds. Articles about the practice of Bodymind Integration work are presented at the end.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:288 Seiten
Verlag:Holzinger, H W

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