Janice Jarrell

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Cover des Buches Heart's Treasure: Fearless Heart (ISBN: B0DK7XLSB8)
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Rezension zu "Heart's Treasure: Fearless Heart" von Janice Jarrell

Heart's Treasure: Fearless Heart
silvandyvor einem Monat

I was delighted to meet Josh and Colin again. The author has given us a wonderful insight into their everyday life. Through the short episodes, you get to know Josh and Colin's lives, their relationship and their deep feelings for each other even better. The stories are very different and varied.
For the full enjoyment of reading, I would recommend that you perhaps read some other books about Josh and Colin beforehand or start with the beginning of the series.

I listened to the audiobook. Walker Williams did a fantastic job as always. He found the right voices for the protagonists and I think it was easy to distinguish between them. Walker Williams brought the story to life with all their emotions. It was a pleasure to listen to him!

Cover des Buches Relevant Heart: The Fearless Heart, Book 3 (ISBN: B0CT94RZPN)
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Rezension zu "Relevant Heart: The Fearless Heart, Book 3" von Janice Jarrell

Relevant Heart: The Fearless Heart, Book 3
silvandyvor 10 Monaten

                      🎧 Audiobook Review 🎧
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Performance: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Do you already know the books about Colin and Josh? If not, then you should definitely listen to them, preferably as an audiobook, because Walker Williams is a fantastic narrator. Relevant Heart is another great book in The Fearless Heart series.
The author's writing style is wonderful. Again, it didn't take long and I was right in the middle of the story about Colin and Josh within minutes.
I love the way Colin and Josh treat each other. Very respectful and you can immediately feel the deep love and connection they have for each other. The everyday situations were captured well and, as in any relationship, there are not only highs but also lows. The author has portrayed this wonderfully.
At the beginning, the story mainly revolves around Nate and David. Nate is in charge of a play in New York and has to move there for a few weeks. David is very supportive, but it's also a big adjustment in their lives.

Josh and Colin are also getting on in their jobs, but things are also quite stressful here.
So the four friends decide to take some time out and go on vacation to Ireland.
The trip to Ireland was my absolute highlight. It was lovely to see Colin reunited with his family, but also the scenery was wonderfully described and there are lots of sweet and very romantic, but also some unforeseen moments.
I loved the story. The characters are great and likeable and the four of them have a wonderful friendship. The story was very entertaining and very enjoyable. A real feel-good book for a wonderful reading time. Just switch off and enjoy.

I listened to the audiobook. Walker Williams did a fantastic job as always. He found the right voices for the protagonists and I think it was easy to distinguish between them. Walker Williams brought the story of Josh, Colin, David and Nate to life with all their emotions. It was a pleasure to listen to him!         





Cover des Buches Love's Cost (Revolutionary Heart Book 4) (English Edition) (ISBN: B08ZDW7KFM)
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Rezension zu "Love's Cost (Revolutionary Heart Book 4) (English Edition)" von Janice Jarrell

Love's Cost (Revolutionary Heart Book 4)
silvandyvor 2 Jahren

Folks, tissues are in order here! What a heartbreaking story. Jeff is really struggling with Adam's loss and letting someone into his life. But Trent is not only persistent, he is also very loving.  And just when things are going right for the two of them, something unexpected happens that puts their relationship to the test. 

I was very happy to have a reunion with Colin and Josh! 

The story entertained me well, there were very sad parts, then again happy and heartwarming moments and of course romance! 

Walker Williams did a fantastic job reading, it was a pleasure to listen to him. He always hit the right tone of each situation and portrayed all the emotions very well. 

Highly recommended!

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