Moon Girl
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In her debut novel “Moon Girl” the author writes about an old soul, which is born as the boy “Ray”, whereby his mother dies. Will Ray manage to free himself from his cage of thoughts, created for self-protection, by his own strength despite all the obstacles? In his search for himself, he meets the Moon Girl Ivory. Ray still has no idea what a fateful turn of events this will bring for his life!
The extremely powerful words and the spiritual depth of this novel
enchant the reader and inspire self-love.
»Unconditional love gave me enough strength to trust
the good completely. I became incredibly steadfast.
Even got wings. My willingness to share increased,
and my happiness turned to gold every time!«
In her debut novel “Moon Girl” the author writes about an old soul, which is born as the boy “Ray”, whereby his mother dies. Will Ray manage to free himself from his cage of thoughts, created for self-protection, by his own strength despite all the obstacles? In his search for himself, he meets the Moon Girl Ivory. Ray still has no idea what a fateful turn of events this will bring for his life!
The extremely powerful words and the spiritual depth of this novel
enchant the reader and inspire self-love.
»Unconditional love gave me enough strength to trust
the good completely. I became incredibly steadfast.
Even got wings. My willingness to share increased,
and my happiness turned to gold every time!«