The Hardest Part (A James Bishop Short Story)

Cover des Buches The Hardest Part (A James Bishop Short Story) (ISBN: 9781472213075)
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James Bishop, lead of THE WRONG MAN, returns in an exclusive eshort from the brilliant Jason Dean - also featuring an extract from BACKTRACK. A broken front axle and a three mile walk to civilisation from the wilds of Georgia hadn't been the way former Marine, James Bishop, had wanted to start his day. Forced to stay overnight in Sagamore, population 1100, while his ride is fixed, Bishop heads into town for some food. But in Bishop's world nothing is ever quite as it seems. He's in Sagamore for a reason, a personal reason. A young man has disappeared and Bishop has vowed to find out what happened to him. Finding answers is always possible, but Bishop's about to find out that it's harder when no wants you asking them...


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:90 Seiten

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