Jason Parent

 4,1 Sterne bei 7 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher von Jason Parent

Cover des Buches They Feed (ISBN: B07BHDDBXJ)

They Feed

Erschienen am 15.04.2018
Cover des Buches What Hides Within (ISBN: B078BLQGDB)

What Hides Within

Erschienen am 15.12.2017
Cover des Buches Seeing Evil (Cycle of Evil, Band 1) (ISBN: 9781940215495)

Seeing Evil (Cycle of Evil, Band 1)

Erschienen am 13.07.2015
Cover des Buches Unseemly: A Novella of Horror (ISBN: B01B5LC8FW)

Unseemly: A Novella of Horror

Erschienen am 27.01.2016
Cover des Buches Where Wolves Run: A Novella of Horror (ISBN: B01FRQP2C2)

Where Wolves Run: A Novella of Horror

Erschienen am 31.05.2016
Cover des Buches A Life Removed (ISBN: B071HJZV33)

A Life Removed

Erschienen am 23.05.2017

Neue Rezensionen zu Jason Parent

Cover des Buches Seeing Evil (Cycle of Evil, Band 1) (ISBN: 9781940215495)

Rezension zu "Seeing Evil (Cycle of Evil, Band 1)" von Jason Parent

Character-driven supernatural crime story

In this book I appreciated the depth with which the characters were drawn. Even during some more brutal scenes I was more focused on the people themselves than their deeds, if that makes sense.
The 'bad guy' was a great specimen of a psychopath - unimpressive on the outside, but full of evil on the inside, and with some very sick ideas.
While I did not sympathize with Sam, the female lead character and cop, all the time, I respected her for her motives and why she overstepped legal boundaries and brought Michael, the boy with the supernatural talent, with her. To have such a gift at your hands but legally not be allowed to use it - that must have been torture for Sam so I could understand why she did what she did, especially when she knew a suspect was guilty.
Michael was thrown into cold water with his new-found power of 'Seeing Evil', and I really felt for him when he had those awful visions. But I also wanted to slap him over the head at times because of his almost childish reactions.
There was a constant level of suspense that kept me glued to the pages, and I am glad I took up the book for reading

Dare to meet Molli?

When a virus is unearthed at a Siberian research facility, little do the excited scientists know what they've really got themselves into, for it is no virus at all... Molli shows a consciousness and starts to spread, consuming every living thing in its way. Soon, the whole complex is on lockdown to keep the virus in - but that also means no one will get out. Nevertheless, a mismatched group of scientists and guards tries to escape the madness. To top things off, a terrorist has entered the facility, intent on following through with his own deadly agenda...

This book provided a first class thrill ride. It was action-driven and fast, but it also established a couple of impressive main characters. But while their motives seemed to be easily clear in the beginning, there were several surprises to encounter along the way.

The main character of course was Molli, who turned out to be much more complex than just another deadly virus. She absorbed and transformed, she grew, she communicated, she learned - and of course she was also desperate to get out alive... Dare to meet Molli?

(thanks to netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)

Cover des Buches They Feed (ISBN: B07BHDDBXJ)

Rezension zu "They Feed" von Jason Parent

Brilliant creature drama

This book presented some especially nasty kind of creature that made my skin crawl every time they (strength in numbers!) appeared. But that was only part of it: the story is mainly character-driven, and most of the people in here have some serious issues to deal with. Put together, the author wove a brilliant creature drama. Oh, and the ending was a really clever surprise that really put the icing on the cake. In short: I loooved it!

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)

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