Star TrekThe Lost Years

Cover des Buches Star Trek (ISBN: 0671707957)
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What exactly happend to the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise after the end of ther five-year mission? How did that mission end? What did they do before they were reunited for the adventures captured in the STAR TREK movies? Even the casual STAR TREK fan finds him/herself asking questions from time to time...

Here at last, is the novel that provides the answers to those questions. ZHE LOST YEARS tells the story of Captain Kirks final hours in command of the U.S.S. Enterprise, and how he, Mr. Spock, and Dr. McCoy struggle to establish new lives apart from each other and the starship. We see the newly-promoted Admiral Kirk is placed in charge of a specially-created Starfleet division as he attempts to defuse a critical hostage situation; Mr. Spock, who, in the midst of a teaching assignment on Vulcan, finds the one thing he least expected; and Dr. McCoy, whose unerring instinct for trouble lands him smack in the middle of an incident that could trigger an interstellar bloodbath...


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Umfang:440 Seiten
Verlag:Pocket Books

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