Landon Metz

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Landon Metz’s abstract paintings reflect the artist’s deliberate and meditative attention that endures throughout each phase of the artist’s process. From stretching canvas to selecting his specific palette to the actual application of paint and subsequent creation of form, the end result of such intense concentration is an energy that seemingly reverberates from Metz’s work. Curving forms of mesmerizing color on individual canvasses are often exhibited as diptychs and triptychs, or serially installed next to one another in installations to form a larger dialogue, creating pattern and rhythm. Metz’s artworks communicate a contemporary voice engaging directly with the larger dialogue of abstraction’s expansive history. The forms and repetition found in nature are often sources of inspiration for Metz, the artist being from Arizona where rock formations shaped over thousands of years are direct examples of the relationship between time, material, and form. This book brings together numerous examples of this young tour de force’s elegant oeuvre, while exemplifying the ways in which such a spirit of studied precision and deliberation holds enduring value in a world that seems to move faster with each passing day.

LANDON METZ (*1985, Phoenix, Arizona) has had solo exhibitions in
Norway, Italy, Denmark and Canada. He was the artist in residence at
the ADN Collection in Bolzano, Italy in 2014. Metz was the subject of a
solo exhibition at Museo Pietro Canonica in Rome in 2018. Metz lives
and works in Brooklyn, New York.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:160 Seiten
Verlag:Hatje Cantz Verlag

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