All the Blue-Eyed Angels (Book 1, The Erin Solomon Pentalogy)

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"Thoroughly addictive... I loved everything about this book." - Kindle Book Review Fans of JD Robb, Dennis Lehane, and Kathy Reichs will love this first novel in the critically acclaimed, bestselling Erin Solomon pentalogy -- an intricately woven mystery with compelling characters, nail-biting suspense, and a dash of romance. And don't miss the other spellbinding novels in the series, now available: SINS OF THE FATHER, SOUTHERN CROSS, and BEFORE THE AFTER!  Jonestown. The Solar Temple. Heaven's Gate. In the summer of 1990, the Payson Church of Tomorrow joins the ranks of those infamous cult suicides when thirty-four members burn to death on a small island off the coast of Maine. At ten years old, Payson member Erin Solomon watches helplessly as the church and its congregation are reduced to ash and embers.  More than twenty years later, Erin is an accomplished investigative journalist when she receives word that she has inherited Payson Isle... and all its ghosts. She returns to Maine to learn the truth behind the tragedy that has haunted her since childhood, aided by the rakish mentor who's stood by her side since she was a teenager, her trusty mutt Einstein, and a mysterious stranger with his own dark past.  Soon, Erin is enmeshed in a decades-old conspiracy rooted in lust,  delusion, and betrayal, as she fights to unearth the secrets of the Payson Church of Tomorrow -- secrets someone will kill to keep buried. "A mystery that pulls you in, straps you down and takes you on a ride worthy of a blockbuster movie!" -- "If you like mysteries with a strong plot filled with dark secrets and murder, and a kick a** setting, along with a romantic-triangle involving two vastly different men, then you'll love this book." -- DV Berkom, Author of the Amazon-bestselling Kate Jones thrillers "A powerful, emotionally complex story peopled with fully-realized characters and terrific, well-honed prose." -- Darcy Scott, Award-Winning Author of Hunter-Huntress and Matinicus Visit for free Erin Solomon short stories, contests, giveaways, and the latest news on the series.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:290 Seiten
Verlag:Adian Press

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