Blind Truth

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At twenty-six, attractive, successful and fun-loving Kristin has everything she ever wanted: a gorgeous fiancé, a successful career and the wedding of her dreams just around the corner. When she’s offered the chance to head up a meeting with one of Dublin’s most successful advertising executives, it seems things can’t get any better for the blossoming bride-to-be. A life-changing accident, however, throws her whole life out of kilter. The once-beautiful Kristin is left horribly disfigured, and it seems her beauty may have only been skin deep. After getting by on her looks for twenty-six years, she struggles to come to terms with her new appearance, as does her fiancé Rob. She is forced to review her life choices and decide whether she can accept Rob’s love when she knows he doesn’t fancy her anymore. Things get even more complicated when she meets a mystery stranger online. They hit it off immediately, but she leaves him in the dark about the true nature of her appearance. Will he be too horrified to accept her for who she is, or will his own secrets be too much for Kristin to bear?


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:188 Seiten
Verlag:Book Republic

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