Dept. of SpeculationA Collective Diary from Hitler's Last Birthday to VE Day

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They used to send each other letters. The return address was always the same: Dept. of Speculation.They used to be young, brave, and giddy with hopes for their future. They got married, had a child, and skated through all the small calamities of family life. But then, slowly, quietly something changes. As the years rush by, fears creep in and doubts accumulate until finally their life as they know it cracks apart and they find themselves forced to reassess what they have lost, what is left, and what they want now.Written with the dazzling lucidity of poetry, Dept. of Speculation navigates the jagged edges of a modern marriage to tell a story that is darkly funny, surprising and wise.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:192 Seiten
Verlag:Granta Books

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