Wipe-clean: Telling the time
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Spielerisch die Uhrzeit lernen. Mit abwischbarem Stift. In englischer Sprache.
A fun way for children to master the art of telling the time, allowing them to complete the activities over and over again using the special wipe-clean pen. With the help of a hoard of friendly monsters, the basics of telling the time are explained clearly and simply, with fun activities to consolidate learning, including helping to schedule a ‘Monster day’and delivering the monster mail on time.
A fun way for children to master the art of telling the time, allowing them to complete the activities over and over again using the special wipe-clean pen. With the help of a hoard of friendly monsters, the basics of telling the time are explained clearly and simply, with fun activities to consolidate learning, including helping to schedule a ‘Monster day’and delivering the monster mail on time.
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Umfang:24 Seiten
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