Pregnant to a Dragon Prince : Alpha Male Shifter Romance

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Alpha Male Shifter Romance
A Standalone Short Story with No Cliffhanger!

Kara is sick of her dead-end waitressing job at a diner in downtown Chicago. She has always dreamt of an adventure. One night, on her way home from work, she is rescued from a mugging by Blaine, a handsome yet mysterious man. Following their chance encounter, she finds that her thoughts are constantly overtaken by visions of dragons, one purple beast in particular. After that fateful night, Kara doesn’t think that she will ever see Blaine again, until one day when he magically appears, treating her to a night of passion.

But her adventure is just beginning. Their one night of romance lands Kara pregnant, to a man that she barely knows. Will his deep secret change her life forever? What will become of the unborn child she carries within her? Only Blaine, her one true love, can save her now.

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WARNING: It contains mature language and content, intended for 18+ readers only!


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:72 Seiten

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