Summer Food - 600 delicious recipes for hungry party guests(Fingerfood, Party-Snacks, Dips, Cupcakes, Muffins, Cool Cakes, Ice Cream, Fruits, Drinks & Co.)
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Summer Food - 600 delicious recipes for hungry party guests (Fingerfood, Party-Snacks, Dips, Cupcakes, Muffins, Cool Cakes, Ice Cream, Fruits, Drinks & Co.)
All recipes in the cookbook with detailed instructions.
My specialty are everyday recipes, in which good taste and healthy nutrition complement each other perfectly. In my "COOKING & BAKING LOUNGE" you will find delicious recipe ideas that surprise your family and friends. Let yourself be inspired by the great creative recipes. As you know, the appetite comes by scrolling.
All recipes in the cookbook with detailed instructions.
My specialty are everyday recipes, in which good taste and healthy nutrition complement each other perfectly. In my "COOKING & BAKING LOUNGE" you will find delicious recipe ideas that surprise your family and friends. Let yourself be inspired by the great creative recipes. As you know, the appetite comes by scrolling.