Joan Escandell


Joan Escandell (Ibiza, 1937) is one of the most outstanding Spanish comic book authors of the 20th century. He worked for the legendary publishing house, Bruguera (contributing to “Captain Thunder” among others), an iconic brand in the Spanish-speaking publishing world, where he was a prolific comic book illustrator. The prevailing image many Spanish-speaking teenagers have of figures like Ivanhoe or Robinson Crusoe originates from his unforgettable drawings for the series “Literary Jewels for Young Readers” (Joyas Literarias Juveniles). Joan Escandell is also well-known in other European countries as the illustrator of the first eco-friendly series, “Antares” in France (1975-1990), and his version of He-Man in Germany. He also contributed to Disney productions like 'Cinderella’, 'The Lion King’, 'Hercules' and 'Pocahontas'. He is the author of Promopress' 767 Handmade Illustrations

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Joan Escandell

Cover des Buches Animals: 850 Handmade Illustrations (ISBN: 9788417412883)

Animals: 850 Handmade Illustrations

Erschienen am 01.06.2021

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