Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
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You read this part with completely different eyes when you re-read it. But it's at least as much fun!
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Gelungen. Das dramatische Finale ist ein idealer Cliffhanger für den siebten Band.
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"There it was, hanging in the sky above the school: the blazing green skull with a serpent tongue, the mark Death Eaters left behind whenever they had entered a building … wherever they had murdered …" When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny ...
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:560 Seiten
Verlag:Pottermore from J.K. Rowling
Teil 6 der Reihe "Harry Potter Original"
Das aktuelle Hörbuch ist am 20.11.2015 bei Pottermore from J.K. Rowling erschienen.