Wildflowers of mainland GreeceRecommended botanical excursions in mainland Greece, including Peloponnese

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The author's botanical excursions have taken him as far as the tropical rain
forests of Borneo. In Europe, the rich flora of Greece and the Greek
islands have been a constant allurement for him. Together with his wife
he has combed the island of Crete on a dozen of trips, resulting in his
first book “Crete - a unique paradise of flowers”. This book appealed
both to hobby botanists and professional botanists which is why he -
again accompanied by his wife - went 14 times to mainland Greece.
As in his book about Crete it is his intention in this book as well to
present to you the beauty and variety of the Greek flora.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:353 Seiten
Verlag:Flohe, Johannes

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