In the crown of my treeThe story of a finding

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The story

Till is an unhappy person, a seeker who has become overwhelmed by everyday circumstances. He embarks on a journey into his inner self and encounters another side of himself and the tree, which, together with his new friend and teacher, Felix, becomes the impetus for a new way of thinking and thus a new life. He records the findings of his journey in a booklet, the Inner Compass.

About this book

Inside every human being stretches a world of endless expanse. A mighty tree thrives in it, which represents our character traits. To understand it, to let it grow and flourish, means to know oneself and thus to learn to love oneself and start a life free of fears, doubts, and tormenting thoughts. This tree is a metaphor, and, with its help, traumas, fears, and everyday obstacles can be recognized and processed on a psychological and physical level. In this way, the impetus is given for a life of self-realization. This book is aimed at all seekers and those who find themselves in situations in which they feel trapped. The story appeals to the inner self and stimulates thoughts to help one deal with oneself, free from worries and helplessness. The Inner Compass at the back of the book summarizes the insights and wisdom and provides valuable assistance for all those who want to search for happiness and potential within themselves.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:78 Seiten

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