Cold Hands

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'Cold Hands is that rarest of things - a gripping thriller with real depth. An intense, exhilarating adrenaline rush, I found myself staying up all night to finish it in one sitting. Wonderful' S.J. Watson, author of Before I Go to Sleep. The writer of the bestselling Kill Your Friends has turned to crime, and his debut is a gut-wrenching, heart-breaking thriller that will take your breath away. Donnie Miller counts himself lucky. After a troubled and impoverished upbringing in Scotland, he now has all he wants: a caring wife, a bright and happy son, a beautiful house in remote wilderness of central Canada. As the brutal northern winter begins to bite, he can sit back and enjoy life. But there are noises in the nearby woods, signs of some mysterious watcher. When the family dog disappears, Donnie makes a horrifying discovery. Is it wolves, as the police suspect, or something far more dangerous, far darker? What secrets has Donnie been keeping? And why does he have the terrible sense that his dream was never going to last?


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:336 Seiten
Verlag:Random House UK Ltd

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