Seven Crows

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Buffy and Angel join forces once again to repel an evil that crosses both borders and time...and the presence of Buffy's other ex-boyfriend Riley racks up the tension even more. One for sorrow, two for mirth; three a wedding, four a birth; five for silver, six for gold, seven crows a secret never to be told...In a small town on the borders of Arizona and Mexico, Agent Riley Finn and his wife Sam are on the trail of a far-from-ordinary smuggling ring. To their surprise, their call for reinforcements is answered by Riley's ex-girlfriend, the Slayer, Buffy Summers, and Angel, the vampire with a soul. Tempers flare in the heat of the day -- and night -- as bodies begin to turn up out in the desert. Some are drained of blood, while others have met their deaths in another manner altogether. Curiously, the area seems to have an abundance of crows, and more are arriving all the time, like ominous portents of some unknown doom. But even Mr Secret Agent Man finds it hard to concentrate on the job at hand when his wife and Angel team up to go undercover.


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Ausgabe:Sonstige Formate
Verlag:Bt Bound

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