Jonathan Dunne

 3 Sterne bei 1 Bewertungen
Autor*in von Balloon Animals.

Alle Bücher von Jonathan Dunne

Cover des Buches Balloon Animals (ISBN: B009JUBC2W)

Balloon Animals

Erschienen am 08.12.2013

Neue Rezensionen zu Jonathan Dunne

Cover des Buches Balloon Animals (ISBN: B009JUBC2W)

Rezension zu "Balloon Animals" von Jonathan Dunne

misspidervor 9 Jahren

This was a very different book, full of weird episodes and surprising events, but in a good way. The beginning was a bit slow and felt repetitive, especially the scenes with his best friend Cha and the 'Reiki mistress', whom I couldn't relate to much. Several scenes felt overdone and unnecessary for the continuation of the story, like the author was still searching for the right tone. After some time, I really couldn't wait for Jonny to eventually be on his way to Iowa.

Just as soon as he enters the airport, the real adventure begins and takes him on a surreal journey to the roots of his granddad's - and thus his own - fascinating history. That was the moment where I got hooked and couldn't wait to read what comical situation Jonny would stumble into next. The mood alternated between incredible and hilarious, but curiously, compared to the first half it felt less absurd to me. In between the story also pondered some serious considerations, somehow grounding the whole thing into the real world.

'Balloon Animals' is an absolutely unique and fantastic tale the like of which I've never experienced before.

(I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review)

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