Agent I1: Tristan (The D.I.R.E. Agency Series Book 1)
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He’s an agent for hire. She’s a small town sweetheart. What could they possibly have in common… except danger? Raised in the art of warfare, Former Navy SEAL Tristan Jacobs has always been a force to reckon with. Now that D.I.R.E. has successfully implemented his scientific enhancements, he’s a walking weapon. Unstoppable, as long as he stays focused. When ex-BUD/S teammate Aidan Monroe interrupts his long-awaited sabbatical to call in a favor, Tristan reluctantly fills the simple request: take out his sister’s fiancé. One problem: Rachel Monroe – smokin’ hot, kind-hearted, and in desperate need of a protector. After a night of mind-blowing passion, Tristan’s afraid unstoppable is just a memory. Knowing Aidan’s temper, Tristan could be, too. Rachel Monroe had a plan to help her mother. Her brother ruined everything when his gorgeous, super-agent friend teleported her to his island getaway – and his bed. She’s drawn to him despite the fact he’s a professional agent, much like the people suspected of killing her father. Now, his enemies have come to her small town, looking for vengeance. Have they found more than they bargained for? Or, does the past have its own retribution in mind?