NecropolisWhyborne & Griffin Book 4

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Fall 4 für das "Trio Infernale"! Diesmal in Ägypten, aber mit gewohnt viel Action, Magie und einer unerschütterlichen Christine.

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Introverted scholar Percival Endicott Whyborne has spent the last few months watching his lover, Griffin Flaherty, come to terms with the rejection of his adoptive family. So when an urgent telegram from Christine summons them to Egypt, Whyborne is reluctant to risk the fragile peace they've established. Until, that is, a man who seems as much animal as human tries to murder Whyborne in the museum. Amidst the ancient ruins of the pharaohs, they must join Christine and face betrayal, murder, and a legendary sorceress risen from the dead. In the forge of the desert heat, the trio will either face their fears and stand together-or shatter the bonds between them forever.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:200 Seiten
Verlag:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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Band 4 der Reihe "Whyborne & Griffin"

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