Judith Santschi

Autor*in von Serafino und SERAFINO.


Judith Santschi is a certified adult educator and has been running her own practice "go-4-you" since 1999. as a coach and holistic energy therapist she has accompanied humans and animals on their life journeys ever since. She lives and loves her calling to create a safe space for people that enables them to recognize their true essence, their true self, and thus to create the life of their dreams. judith believes in the miracles of self-healing powers and lives the deep conviction that body, mind and soul always strive for healing and order, should there be any blockages in the system. Judith feels a deep connection to All-That-Is, Mother Earth, Father Sky, the animals, plant spirits, healing stones, the world of power animals, creatures of the otherworld, guardian angels, spiritual guides and ancestors and integrates these into her work on a daily basis. Judith is married since 2003 and is the mother of a now grown-up young man. When he was a little boy, they went on many fantasy journeys together and came up with great adventures and wonderful stories. Including this one, which is now finally going out into the world. May it bring joy to many people - young and old - and touch their hearts! thank you!

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Judith Santschi

Cover des Buches SERAFINO (ISBN: 9783758313592)


Erschienen am 30.11.2023
Cover des Buches Serafino (ISBN: 9783758322198)


Erschienen am 17.01.2024

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