Running with Lions (English Edition)

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Cover des Buches Running with Lions (English Edition) (ISBN: 9781945053634)
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Unterhaltsames Buch über Zusammenhalt, alte und neue Beziehungen. Anfangs ein bisschen chaotisch, aber mit super Charakteren!

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Ein süßer Roman fürs Herz

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“Funny, wise, and ridiculously romantic. It hit me right in the heart.”—BECKY ALBERTALLI, author of Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Bloomington High School Lions’ star goalie Sebastian Hughes should be excited about his senior year: His teammates are amazing, and he’s got a coach who doesn’t ask anyone to hide their sexuality. But when his estranged childhood-best-friend Emir Shah shows up at summer training camp, Sebastian realizes the team’s success may end up in the hands of the one guy who hates him. Determined to reconnect with Emir for the sake of the Lions, he sets out to regain Emir’s trust. But to Sebastian’s surprise, sweaty days on the pitch, wandering the town’s streets, and bonding on the weekends spark more than just friendship between them.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:286 Seiten
Verlag:Duet, the YA imprint of Interlude Press

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