SHE WHO WATCHES, 2nd Printing, DELUXE RING-BOUND, COLOR EDITION, with Additional Illustrations.Inspired by the Legend of Tsagaglalal, a Chieftess in Prehistoric Times.

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The name for this little book, SHE WHO WATCHES, comes from a legend of an aboriginal people who lived in prehistoric times along the Columbia River, the “River of Life” which flows between today"s Washington and Oregon states. Carved and painted on a stone cliff overlooking an ancient village is a face with huge, staring eyes. This petroglyph represents the face of Tsagaglalal, “She Who Watches.”
The legend tells that Tsagaglalal was the chieftess of that entire region. Coyote, the trickster of many Native American stories, happened by and stopped to ask the people whether or not they were living well. The people sent Coyote to their chieftess, who lived high on the cliff above them where she could watch over the village. Tsagaglalal assured Coyote she was guiding her people well. Coyote, however, advised her that in the future women would no longer be chiefs. And so, he transformed Tsagaglalal into a rock, telling her she would thus remain and continue to watch over her people forever.


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Umfang:42 Seiten

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