Juliette Plisson


Born in Paris, painter Juliette Plisson lives on the outskirts of the French capital, where she also has her studio. After working as an architect from 1990 and earning a postgraduate degree in Theories and Aesthetics in Architecture in 1995, she began her career as a painter in 2007. Inspired by urban images observed in her professional activity. Her painting, abstract at first, focuses on forms, matter and colour, themes which structure her work in drawing as well. In 2010, she ventured out into the street, focusing on her surroundings and recording it on paper, before joining the Urban Sketchers movement in 2011. Over the years, drawing, mainly in ink and watercolour, has enriched and nourished her work as a painter. The city, its denizens and the landscape are her favourite subjects. Juliette Plisson regularly exhibits her sketches and paintings in Paris and other parts of France.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

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