Alfred the Great
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Paperback. Pub Date: 2007 Pages: 368 Publisher: John Murray Publishers Alfred is the only English king ever to be called 'Great' It was not a title given by political Supporters not the sycophantic gift of an official biographer. nor a self-styled title. It was the gift of history. Justin Pollard's enthralling. authoritative account befits Alfred - a soldier. a scholar and statesman like no other in English history. His rule spanned troubled times. His shores were under constant threat from Viking marauders and he faced turmoil at home. Soon after he began his rule a conspiracy erupted and he was hounded out of his kingdom into solitary exile in forests and fens. But his ambition was not felled by adversity. Alone in this damp. dangerous. half-world of bogs and quicksand Alfred looked within and found the motivation to create a new type of nation. Drawing on the latest histo...