Think of England

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Angelsammys avatar
vor 3 Jahren

Man, I am glad I discovered this exceptional book! Exciting, emotional, erotically charged and very, very dangerous! 👬👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨🎩

Aniyas avatar
vor 5 Jahren

Einer meiner KJ Charles Favoriten - obwohl es bei ihr schwierig ist, da überhaupt ein Buch am besten zu finden. Sie sind alle so toll!

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Lie back and think of England...

England, 1904. Two years ago, Captain Archie Curtis lost his friends, fingers, and future to a terrible military accident. Alone, purposeless and angry, Curtis is determined to discover if he and his comrades were the victims of fate, or of sabotage.

Curtis’s search takes him to an isolated, ultra-modern country house, where he meets and instantly clashes with fellow guest Daniel da Silva. Effete, decadent, foreign, and all-too-obviously queer, the sophisticated poet is everything the straightforward British officer fears and distrusts.

As events unfold, Curtis realizes that Daniel has his own secret intentions. And there’s something else they share—a mounting sexual tension that leaves Curtis reeling.

As the house party’s elegant facade cracks to reveal treachery, blackmail and murder, Curtis finds himself needing clever, dark-eyed Daniel as he has never needed a man before…


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:218 Seiten
Verlag:KJC Books

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