Kaaron Warren

 3 Sterne bei 1 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher von Kaaron Warren

Cover des Buches Vandal: Stories of Damage (Dark Tide) (ISBN: 9781957133256)

Vandal: Stories of Damage (Dark Tide)

Erschienen am 16.02.2023
Cover des Buches Mistification (ISBN: 9780857661098)


Erschienen am 02.06.2011

Neue Rezensionen zu Kaaron Warren

Cover des Buches Vandal: Stories of Damage (Dark Tide) (ISBN: 9781957133256)

Rezension zu "Vandal: Stories of Damage (Dark Tide)" von Kaaron Warren

Weird and disturbing
misspidervor 2 Jahren

The three stories in this anthology are totally weird - maybe too much so for me, as I really had to struggle to wrap my more practical mind around what was going on. I still have a nagging feeling I missed some of the finer details of the stories, especially of the first and second one, but they both managed to deeply disturb me. Good choice I didn't read them right before going to bed, as this is the stuff that would make me look over my shoulder at night and see scary things in the shadows. So I was relieved when I came to the last story, which had a more straight-forward approach, started with a great historical vibe and therefore was right up my alley. No wonder it also happens to be my favorite of the trio ;)
Overall, I am still amazed by the ongoing high quality this series keeps bringing up. Though the stories in 'Vandals' are completely different from what I usually choose for reading, I am so glad I took the challenge and let me be taken out of my comfort zone to discover some new (at least to me) grounds of horror. Thank you Crystal Lake!

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