Nobody's Angel (#2 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me)

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URGENT AUTHOR'S NOTE: Effective Nov. 18, 2013, this book has been re-released in a combination download with Masters at Arms, the series introduction--and is ONLY 99 CENTS!!! Please search for the ASIN B00GR5990E and you'll save $3! Should be at all Amazon locations soon, and then this version will be unpublished. Thanks! Kally Marc d'Alessio might own a BDSM club with his fellow military veterans, Adam and Damián, but he keeps all women at a distance. When Marc rescues Angelina Giardano from a disastrous first BDSM experience at the club, however, an uncharacteristic attraction leaves him torn between his safe, but lonely world, and a possible future with his angel. Angelina leaves BDSM behind only to have her dreams plagued by the masked Italian angel who rescued her at the one and only BDSM club she ever went to. When she meets Marc at a bar in her hometown, she can't shake the feeling she knows him—but has no idea why he reminds her of her angel. Marc's search-and-rescue partner, widower Luke Denton, confides he believes Angelina is the angel his wife promised to send him, convincing Marc she is meant for Luke. A painful incident from his past keeps Marc from letting any woman drive a wedge between him and a friend. When the abusive Dom from Angelina's past threatens, Marc's protective instincts kick in; he must keep her safe. Again at the Masters at Arms Club, she turns the tables on Marc—and turns his safe, controlled world upside down. This is Book Two in the RESCUE ME series and should be read after the free introduction to series, MASTERS AT ARMS. This book includes a strong secondary plot with Adam and Karla of MASTERS, including a dramatic ending that will set up their story that follows, NOBODY'S HERO. The novels in the series are not stand-alones and need to be read in order to understand and keep up with the events in the lives of these recurring characters. Also expect couples to continue to work on issues AFTER their happy endings. Marc and Angelina will return in each book, but as the primary characters in SOMEBODY'S ANGEL, Book Five.) ADULT CONTENT WARNING: BDSM means bondage, Dominance/submission, sadomasochism, and other kink-related things. If you prefer close-door "vanilla" sex in a book, this probably isn't a good choice for you. But if you have an open mind and want to learn more about this alternative lifestyle, as well as want to read about real-life heroes and heroines dealing with life head-on as they move toward their realistic happily ever afters, then hang on for the ride of your life.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:369 Seiten
Verlag:Kallypso Masters

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