Superfood Heimische WildpflanzenPower aus Garten, Wald und Wiese

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Wild plant power from gardens and meadows
“Superfoods” are all the rage – native superfoods are much better, because they’re natural and have a true taste – and they’re very much “in”, with the potential to be more than just a flash in the pan! Anyone who has thought that superfoods only come from distant lands should think again: plant power packs for detoxing and anti-ageing, immune boosting and wellness also grow right at our doorstep.
Whether ramsons, dandelion, ground elder, red clover, rose hips or sloe, not everything that looks like a weed is in fact one. And what thrives in the garden, forest or meadow can also be harvested at the optimal time and eaten fresh, allowing the vital plant constituents to unfold their full effect.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:128 Seiten
Verlag:Verlag Eugen Ulmer

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