Karl Ove Knausgaard

 4 Sterne bei 2 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher von Karl Ove Knausgaard

Cover des Buches A Death in the Family: My Struggle Book 1 (ISBN: 9781446496992)

A Death in the Family: My Struggle Book 1

Erschienen am 01.03.2012
Cover des Buches Autumn (Seasons Quartet) (ISBN: 9781910701645)

Autumn (Seasons Quartet)

Erschienen am 24.08.2017
Cover des Buches Dancing in the Dark (ISBN: 9780099581529)

Dancing in the Dark

Erschienen am 01.10.2015
Cover des Buches The Morning Star: A Novel (ISBN: 9780399563423)

The Morning Star: A Novel

Erschienen am 28.09.2021

Neue Rezensionen zu Karl Ove Knausgaard

Cover des Buches Autumn (Seasons Quartet) (ISBN: 9781910701645)
darklittledancers avatar

Rezension zu "Autumn (Seasons Quartet)" von Karl Ove Knausgaard

Taking a Close Look at the World Around Us
darklittledancervor 7 Jahren

Autumn is the first of four books that form the Seasons quartet. In this encyclopedia, written for his unborn daughter and for himself, Knausgård takes up ordinary topics that everyone might encounter in life and describes them in short, personal pieces.

The encyclopedia entries make us aware of the things we take for granted and teach us to take a closer look at the world around us. One of my favorite chapters is the chapter on vomit. It is just wonderful to see how Knausgård can find beauty in something that many find revolting and that he is able to persuade you to see that beauty as well.

Not everyone might share Knausgård’s sense of humor, but some of his pieces are simply hilarious and laughing-out-loud funny, while others make you cringe like the chapters on adders or frogs. This emotional rollercoaster and the inclusion of personal experiences make Autumn an entertaining read.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

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