Shucked (English Edition)The Loew Brothers, Band 1

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His best friend’s little sister is not an option.

No one ever accused Beckett Loew of being the nice Loew brother, especially not Sunny Du Jardin. Stuck back home in the quirky town of Friendship, Rhode Island, Beckett is scrambling to save his family’s oyster bar and take care of his teenage brother. He doesn’t have time to deal with the beautiful, sunshine-y owner of the new vegan cafe next door too. His best friend’s little sister may be all grown up, but Sunny’s still a distracting pain in his side.

No one expects much from Sunny Du Jardin, especially not Beckett Loew. She’s not worried about her older brother’s tall, dark, and broody best friend or the battles he insists on waging with her every day. She's not the same kid he teased years ago. Now, she composts his type for breakfast.

They’re all wrong for each other.
Bitter rivals.
Complete opposites.
Off limits
Except they can’t keep their hands off each other.
They tell themselves it’s nothing more than a steamy summer fling until secrets spill and real trouble comes their way.

CW: chronic illness (epilepsy), mention of childhood bullying, putting the fun in dysfunctional families, parents who turn into accidental criminals, incarceration, open door spice, suspense and moments of peril.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:460 Seiten
Verlag:Vesper Press

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