24 EtudesA special form of Ukrainian poetry writing
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Etude is a special admired form of writing in Ukrainian
poetry practice, it is a self-expression and a study of self, artist
who observes a scene and expresses the feelings arousing at the
moment of encounter with the subject matter. The etudes in this collection are structured around the number 24 that is a recurring theme in the authors life.
The etudes in this collection cross the boundaries between
gloomy and hilarious, between poetry and art, between numbers and feelings.
In the end of this book, there is a practical guide on how to write an etude.
poetry practice, it is a self-expression and a study of self, artist
who observes a scene and expresses the feelings arousing at the
moment of encounter with the subject matter. The etudes in this collection are structured around the number 24 that is a recurring theme in the authors life.
The etudes in this collection cross the boundaries between
gloomy and hilarious, between poetry and art, between numbers and feelings.
In the end of this book, there is a practical guide on how to write an etude.
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:124 Seiten
Verlag:BoD – Books on Demand
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