Kate Nash


Kate Nash OBE is a change leader with over 30 years' experience in working strategically to effect long term changes in relation to disabled people. She is the creator & CEO of PurpleSpace (www.purplespace.org). Established in 2015 it is the world's only professional development membership hub for disability employee resource groups. In 2017 she founded #PURPLELIGHTUP a global movement of disabled people, allies and champions who celebrate the economic contribution of disabled people to the global economy. This takes place on 3rd December each year as a mark of respect to the UN International Day of Disabled People. In 2020 buildings lit up included The Shard, Blackpool Tower, John F Kennedy Airport, Niagara Falls, Sydney Harbour Bridge and The Australian Parliament. She is based in London, UK.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

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