A Tangled Teaser: A Witch Cozy Murder Mystery (Witches of Hemlock Cove Book 3)

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When witch, and former cop, Grace Angelo decides to take a beach vacation with her friend Dario, the last thing she expects is to get involved with another mystery. But when she explores the coastal town with her special dog, Noah, their beach walk is cut short when they stumble across a group of people dragging a dead body from the sea.

Local detective Zach Jackson is soon on the case, and just as quick, Grace agrees to help discover what happened to the deceased—a local scuba diving instructor. The mystery deepens when a number of Viking artefacts surface and are sold on the black market.

Suspecting these are connected, Grace starts digging and finds a dark underbelly to the otherwise idyllic town. She’ll need all her skills and abilities if she’s to get to the bottom of the mystery and untangle the teasing clues.

A Tangled Teaser is the third cozy mystery in the Witches of Hemlock Cove series. All books can be read in any order. They don’t contain any great violence, sex, or profanity, but instead feature clues and a puzzle the reader can play along with—and of course, Grace’s special and adorable pets.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:256 Seiten
Verlag:Monty's Tale Press

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