Murder in the Kitchen (Cozy Murder Mystery) (Harley Hill Mysteries Book 3)

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Murder in the Kitchen: Book 3 of the No.1 Bestselling Harley Hill Mysteries Amateur sleuths Harley and Cordelia leave their posh London home for the wilds of Scotland where hijinks ensue. As a favour to aunt Maggie, they’ve agreed to help run a murder mystery event in a remote mansion.  But when a friendly dog leads Harley to a body, it’s clear Harley has a real murder mystery on her hands. And to make matters worse, a ferocious blizzard keeps them trapped inside. With a motley crew of guests, including a paranormal investigator who believes the Frazier estate is cursed, Harley has to uncover the dark secrets of the guest’s and the mansion’s past if she’s to discover the killer. But what she discovers will rock the Frazier house to its very foundations. "I love Harley and quick wit. I wish she and Cordi were my friends. I can't wait to read more about their adventures."


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:228 Seiten
Verlag:Monty's Tale Press

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