The Cotswold WayNATIONAL TRAIL Two-way trail guide - Chipping Campden to Bath

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A guidebook to walking the Cotswold Way National Trail between Chipping Camden and Bath. Covering 163km (102 miles) across the Cotswolds National Landscape this straightforward hike takes 2 weeks to walk.

The route is presented in 14 stages ranging from 7–17km (4–11 miles) in length. The route is described north to south and an abbreviated route description is also given for those walking the route south to north.

  • Contains step-by-step description of the route alongside 1:100,000 OS maps reproduced at 1:75,000 for better clarity
  • Includes a separate map booklet containing OS 1:25,000 mapping and route line
  • GPX files available to download
  • The book features a facilities planner that highlights information about facilities and public transport along the route
  • Full accommodation listings are included


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:176 Seiten
Verlag:Cicerone Press Limited

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