Tour du Mont Blanc Map Booklet1:25,000 IGN route map booklet

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A booklet of all the mapping needed to complete the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB), a spectacular circuit around Mont Blanc, Western Europe's highest mountain. Covering 170km (105 miles), the TMB takes around 11 days to walk from its official start at Les Houches (France), passing through Courmayeur (Italy) and Champex (Switzerland) before returning to France via the Chamonix valley. A well-serviced introduction to high-level mountain trekking for walkers with good levels of fitness, it can also be run, fastpacked or hiked in 5–9 days.

The full route line is shown on
1:25,000 IGN maps

The map booklet can be used to
walk the TMB in either direction

facilities planner
, route summary tables and accommodation listings
help you plan your itinerary

urban maps
of Les Houches, Les Contamines, Courmayeur, Champex and Chamonix

Alternative stages
via Col de Tricot (Stage 1A) and Fenêtre d'Arpette (Stage 8A) are also provided

accompanying Cicerone guidebook
– Trekking the Tour du Mont Blanc – is also available

GPX files
available to download


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:56 Seiten
Verlag:Cicerone Press Limited

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