Buyer Beware: The Omega Auction: Book Two (The Omega Auction Chronicles 2)
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The Omega Auction, Omega Auction Short Stories, and The Omega Rescue books have all been rebranded under The Omega Auction Chronicles in the order of publication. 5% of royalties received from the sale of all Omega Auction Chronicle books are donated to The Trevor Project; the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.
Until I pissed Lloyd off, I'd always thought that the Omega Auctions were an urban myth, something that packs used to scare Omegas into obeying. As it turns out, not so much. When Lloyd and Ivan delivered me to the auction house, it was immediately clear that shit had just gotten real. I could only guess at what Lloyd had written on my intake forms, but it was obvious that these people believed I was dangerous.
"Usually only one reason that an Alpha buys someone like me." Colby had said.
I watched the emotions flitting through eyes on a face set like stone and considered his words.
Colby might be bigger, stronger, and, yeah, tougher than most Omegas but he was still an Omega. An unbonded Omega with no pack. An Omega who thought that the differences that set him apart, the differences that made my wolf scream with the need to claim him, meant that he'd stay that way.
Until I pissed Lloyd off, I'd always thought that the Omega Auctions were an urban myth, something that packs used to scare Omegas into obeying. As it turns out, not so much. When Lloyd and Ivan delivered me to the auction house, it was immediately clear that shit had just gotten real. I could only guess at what Lloyd had written on my intake forms, but it was obvious that these people believed I was dangerous.
"Usually only one reason that an Alpha buys someone like me." Colby had said.
I watched the emotions flitting through eyes on a face set like stone and considered his words.
Colby might be bigger, stronger, and, yeah, tougher than most Omegas but he was still an Omega. An unbonded Omega with no pack. An Omega who thought that the differences that set him apart, the differences that made my wolf scream with the need to claim him, meant that he'd stay that way.