Unlawfully Claimed: The Omega Rescue: Book One (The Omega Auction Chronicles 4)

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The Omega Auction, Omega Auction Short Stories, and The Omega Rescue books have all been rebranded under The Omega Auction Chronicles in the order of publication. 5% of royalties received from the sale of all Omega Auction Chronicle books are donated to The Trevor Project; the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.

How many Omegas can say they were rescued BY a kidnapping ring before they were rescued FROM it?

Thane was an Omega with a very dark secret trying to break free from an unpleasant past when he was hired as a paralegal in the local shifter law firm.

Alpha Haldrian Christof, Drey to his friends, was one of the few local attorneys specialing in shifter law. His first attempt at claiming an Omega, a visit to the Omega auction, had ultimately failed. That didn't stop him from falling for his new paralegal, a kidnapping victim with soft blond curls and entrancing blue eyes.

When Thane's past catches up with him, will Drey be able to protect him or will his Omega be deemed unlawfully claimed?


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:169 Seiten
Verlag:NDP Publications, LLC

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