Sweet Submission: Claimed by the Pack - Part Two

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The darkest desires always lead to the sweetest submission. From the moment Tucker marked her, Neve’s life changed forever. Mated to a powerful Alpha wolf, her heart beats for him. But, now she must face the rest of the pack. As her love for Tucker grows fiercer by the day, her desire for the pack burns just as bright. They are strong, handsome, virile, and as their Alpha’s mate, they’ll do anything to keep her safe. As a dark, intimate, fantasy sparks deep within her, Neve must learn what belonging to the pack really means. Though Tucker knows he’s found the love of his life and his fated mate, danger comes from all sides. A rival pack, hellbent on revenge will stop at nothing to take Neve away from him and destroy everything he’s built. And a new threat looms from within that will test his leadership to the breaking point. He’ll have to be strong enough to survive the challenge. With Neve by his side, he’s got everything to lose. Dear Readers: This is part two of a five part paranormal werewolf shifter romance serial. The story began in The Alpha's Mark and continues in Rising Heat, Pack Wars and Choosing an Alpha. These books contain sizzling hot sex scenes that know no bounds (not even when it comes to multiple partners). These wolves like it rough! If you’re not into that, you might want to sit this one out. However if you like hot, dominant, alpha male werewolf shifters and the kickass heroines who will do anything to please them, then click away and enjoy the ride!


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Umfang:97 Seiten

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