Cover des Buches Verliebt in Texas (Wings of the West) (ISBN: 9781733142052)

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Romantic westerns. 

A headstrong woman and her daring cowboy. A gripping romance set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Wild West.

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Autorenbild von Kristy McCaffrey (©Kristy McCaffrey)

Über Kristy McCaffrey

Even as a child, Kristy McCaffrey often made up stories. It soon became apparent that she felt a penchant for writing. She grew up with science fiction, fantasy and the legends of King Arthur and soon transferred this fondness for myths to writing her own western novels. After training as an engineer, she decided to become a housewife and mother while also writing novels. She and her husband live in Arizona, where their four children are gradually fledged. Kristy firmly believes that life should be approached with curiosity, compassion and gratitude, preferably with a dog by your side. She likes to sleep in late, enjoys Mexican food and yoga in her pajamas.

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