Lana McGregor

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Alle Bücher von Lana McGregor

Cover des Buches His Roommate's Pleasure (ISBN: 9781426895760)

His Roommate's Pleasure

Erschienen am 01.07.2013

Neue Rezensionen zu Lana McGregor

Cover des Buches His Roommate's Pleasure (ISBN: 9781426895760)
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Rezension zu "His Roommate's Pleasure" von Lana McGregor

Novice kink sex
Sakukovor 7 Jahren

Adam just wanted to submit his paper on time, stumbles onto his jock roommates porn collection and is instantly turned on by the kinky pictures. He didn't even know Josh was gay. As Josh catches him at it, he offers to look at the pictures together and maybe try out some of it.

It's a sexy and sweet book about two college students exploring their D/s, kinky fantasies for the first time.

It's pretty much PWP, the sex is pretty well written and hot, though rather light on the kinkiness: A bit of humiliation kink, collar and leash, impact play, nothing really out there. Since they are both learning they don't always do everything right, they don't stay in the right head space constantly, but it gives the whole thing a fresh, authentic take.
I just wished some of the negotiations that where mentioned could have been done on page. I think that would have made it even more realistic.

It's not only sex though, and I thought they where pretty adorable and cute together and even though the story was rather short the relationship did not feel too rushed.

Also, the author didn't use names enough and overdid it with personal pronouns. Sometimes it was really hard to tell who was doing what, since everything was all "he" and "his" and it got confusing.

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