A Sky Painted Gold

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vor 6 Jahren

pretty solid, nice summer story, gatsby like feeling

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A gorgeously dreamy coming-of-age romance set against a stunning Gatsby-esque backdrop.
Growing up in her sleepy Cornish village dreaming of being a writer, sixteen-year-old Lou has always wondered about the grand Cardew house which has stood empty for years.

And when the owners arrive for the summer - a handsome, dashing brother and sister - Lou is quite swept off her feet and into a world of moonlit cocktail parties and glamour beyond her wildest dreams.

But, as she grows closer to the Cardews, is she abandoning her own ambitions... and is there something darker lurking at the heart of the Cardew family?

- this sweeping and evocative romance is perfect for fans of I Capture the Castle and Eva Ibbotson
- stunning foiled cover perfectly captures the deco time


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:356 Seiten

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