Your Fierce Love (The Bennett Family, Band 7)
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The strong and sexy Blake Bennett is downright irresistible. And Clara Abernathy is doing everything she can to resist his charm. After spending her life in group homes, Clara yearns for the love and warmth of a true family. With the Bennetts treating her like their own, she can't possibly fall for Blake. That would be crossing a line...But when Clara needs a temporary place to live, and she accepts Blake’s offer to move next door to him, things escalate. Suddenly, she’s not only supposed to resist the man who’s hell-bent on having her, but the TV station she works for is determined to dig up some dirt on the Bennett family. Blake knows family friends are off-limits, and Clara is more off-limits than anyone. But Clara’s sweetness and sass fill a hole in him he wasn’t even aware of. Soon, he finds himself gravitating toward her, willing to do anything to make her happy. Blake enjoys bending the rules—much more than following them, but will bending this one be taking it too far?
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Umfang:332 Seiten
Verlag:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform