The Spectral City (A Spectral City Novel)

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The writing style takes some getting used to but I liked the unique case-solving, women fighting for independency + the slow-burn love story

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Solving crime isn’t only for the living.

In turn-of-the century New York City, the police have an off-the-books spiritual go-to when it comes to solving puzzling corporeal crimes . . .

Her name is Eve Whitby, gifted medium and spearhead of The Ghost Precinct. When most women are traveling in a gilded society that promises only well-appointed marriage, the confident nineteen-year-old Eve navigates a social circle that carries a different kind of chill. Working with the diligent but skeptical Lieutenant Horowitz, as well as a group of fellow psychics and wayward ghosts, Eve holds her own against detractors and threats to solve New York’s most disturbing crimes as only a medium of her ability can.

But as accustomed as Eve is to ghastly crimes and all matters of the uncanny, even she is unsettled by her department’s latest mystery. Her ghostly conduits are starting to disappear one by one as though snatched away by some evil force determined to upset the balance between two realms, and most important—destroy the Ghost Precinct forever. Now Eve must brave the darkness to find the vanished souls. She has no choice. It’s her job to make sure no one is ever left for dead.

“There is something truly magical about Leanna Renee Hieber’s writing.”
—Shana DuBois Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi/Fantasy Blog on Perilous Prophecy

“Smart, boundlessly creative gaslamp fantasy.” —RT Book Reviews on Eterna and Omega

“Will have readers chomping at the bit for more.”
—Suspense Magazine on Eterna and Omega.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:248 Seiten
Verlag:Rebel Base Books

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