Under The Orange TreeThe First Part Of The Humanity Trilogy

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When the leader of the Finnish populist party - a sharp-tongued critic of the opposition - is found brutally murdered, the case becomes fodder on social media and in the press. Police strive to keep the details out of the public eye, but tensions rise, and rumors swirl wildly.
Katariina, a journalist and social media influencer, and her identical twin sister, psychiatrist Liina, wake up to a reality where they are suspected of this violent murder. Are the sisters keeping secrets from one another, or is someone trying to frame them? But who would have it out for them?
How does the family lineage of a young African refugee, a decades-old stoning sentence, and a sapphire-eyed girl relate to what seems like a politically motivated murder? Can the young man who risked his life to escape his home country somehow avoid his family's curse?
As Katariina unravels the details of the murder, she uncovers dark secrets that may put her family at risk. Does she dare face evil head-on to save her loved ones?
"Under the Orange Tree" is the first part of the Humanity Trilogy.

The Humanity Trilogy is dedicated to the worlds' best pop song "Blank Space" (songwriters: Taylor Swift / Max Martin / Johan Shellback).

Read more on LiloThurman.com and HumanityTrilogy.com


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:288 Seiten
Verlag:BoD – Books on Demand – Finnland

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